I have to admit that while I enjoy crab, I’m not one of those people where dinner can consist of a whole crab on my plate paired with a bowl of melted butter. I enjoy crab meat in things, but not a dinner of crab with a side of butter. As a boater I sometimes get weird looks from people when they hear this as I seem to be a minority!
This past week I stumbled onto a recipe for spicy crab stuffed avocado. This recipe is great! It’s super easy to make, it’s quick and it combines everything I love – avocados, sriracha and crab. Whether you just caught a crab or are using canned crab, this is a great boat recipe.
I tested this recipe out on my husband this past week and it was a hit. When I made it, I altered it slightly for what I had in my pantry and it turned out great. I omitted the fresh chives and the sesame seeds, and instead added diced red cabbage for a little colour and crunch and drizzled the final product with toasted sesame seed oil.
Spicy crab stuffed avocados have now been added to my galley repertoire, I highly recommend this recipe! Paired with a beer or a glass of wine, they are a fantastic dinner idea for the boat. Impress your guests at your next boat dinner party, there’s never an excuse to not eat well on the boat!
I bet my hubby would love this. I’m not a big fan of avocados, but I could just eat the filling 🙂
The filling on crackers would be fantastic as an alternate ; )
cool post