Mmmm, prawny goodness. Prawns can be one of the most easiest things to catch while on the boat. Prawning is like anything though, you need to know where to go, and when, and when the stars align you can feast on prawns! Between the gulf islands and the Broughton’s, there’s opportunities to catch prawns.
I have to admit growing up in the city where you typically buy shrimp all nicely cleaned and packaged, getting use to fresh caught food where you have a bucket of prawns with eyes staring at you and legs moving was a bit of an adjustment. The first time we had a bucket of prawns I have to admit I think I only ate two, and to this day prefer to have the prawn meat in something opposed to having grilled whole prawns. …I’ll get there, just not there quite yet!
Over the years I’ve developed a love of thai curries. As a kid growing up it wasn’t something that I was greatly exposed to, but as an adult I’ve found curries a great simple go to. While you would think some recipe ideas should come easily on the boat, often I find that’s not the case.
I find after spending a day on shore hiking, by the end of the day I’m often tired and starring at all your food supplies in the many nooks and crannies it’s stashed I often fall back on regular recipes. Without a recipe, cooking with ingredients I’m not use to such as prawns I find is harder.
So, as any boat chef would do, before going out boating I’m always looking for good simple recipes ideas to cook with whatever the ocean is offering. Recently I stumbled onto a thai prawn curry recipe. Again I love curries, but not typically cooking with prawns on land, I never thought about a prawn curry.
A thai prawny curry is perfect for the boat. All the general ingredients are staples on my boat and I just add my fresh caught cleaned prawns! I don’t always say I’m looking forward to catching prawns, but I’m totally looking forward to trying this recipe out on the boat this year!
Happy boat eating!
Go here for the recipe.