We are reminded every day to be ocean wise about plastic. Between photos of the ocean covered in plastic, sea turtles wrapped in fishing nets and plastic, fish getting stuck in plastic bags and dying to the recent news about a whale found dead with 40kg of plastic in its stomach, we are reminded that plastic is killing the world. Our purchases and behaviors are a choice, and there are no excuses for not making plastic ocean wise decisions.
As spring is now here, we all need to do our part and think about ocean wise changes in our cruising as the warm weather boating season starts. I’m not perfect, but I’m trying to make changes to do my part. Here’s some changes to think about to try to reduce disposable plastics on your boat:
Reusable Mesh Produce Bags

Reusable mesh produce bags are great on the boat. Packed in a carrying bag, they are super convenient to throw in your shore bag when you head out for supplies.
Beeswax Wraps

Beeswax food wraps are a great alternative to saran wrap and plastic bags. They are reusable and require a light clean between uses, and at the end of their life are compostable!
Reusable Shopping Bags

Reusable cloth shopping bags are a far better alternative to plastic. Cloth bags are more durable for tranporting food supplies or general shopping to and from the boat. These bags are also great for onshore adventures in town, holding your water bottle, your wallet and room to spare for purchasing a bottle of wine for dinner. You can even consider sewing your own wine bags.
Silicone Reusable Bags

Silicone food bags are another option for storing food. While these are not compostable or biodigradable, they are a better alternative to ziploc bags. I admit this is not as good as glass, but this is a far better option than plastic bags.
Wax Paper & Butchers Twine

Another option for storing meat and poultry in the freezer, or packing sandwiches is wax paper and butchers twine. This option isn’t necessarily reusable, but both are compostable. Compost drop off’s aren’t always available, but for shorter weekend trips where you can collect and then drop off at home this is defineately a better alternative to plastic.
Wax Paper Bags

Wax paper bags are an option for when a reusable bag isn’t available. The bags may be reusable depending what you’re storing, and when you’re done they can go in the compost.
Silicone Flexible Lids

Saran wrap can be hard to part with, many of us have used it as the go-to way to wrap leftovers. Silicone flexible lids acts similar, but instead of being a one time use they’re reusable!
I hope these alternatives to single use plastic have given you some ideas to head out cruising while minimizing your environmental impact. Happy cruising!