COVID-19 is impacting everyone in different ways. As you self quarantine and limit your interactions, there are things we can do from our homes to support our favourite boater amenities and services. Let’s be honest, we all already spend enough on boat maintenance and projects, but it’s still important to have the services available when we need them.
While you either chose to sail closer to home and limit your interactions with people, or not go boating at all, here’s some things you can think about doing to support all those services we love. As many of us spend more time at our homes, there are many things we can do from the comfort of our couches! We may not be active boaters right now, but you know we’re all making our to do list for what projects we’re working on, and where to visit this summer.
1. Write a Review

We all know our favourite marina’s and restaurants that we visit, so write a review. Share your knowledge and let other people know of the great restaurant you enjoyed last summer, or that great new marina you discovered and can’t wait to go back to!
2. Be Active on Social Media

Like, comment or share their posts on social media. Whether you are sharing their information on the status of their operations during the COVID-19 situation, or just interact with social media posts, you are helping people think about where they want to go in the future.
3. Post Photos on Instagram

Post that photo you took a while back of that great dinner you had while out boating, or the photo enjoying happy hour at the dock and tag the marina or restaurant.
4. Sign up for their Newsletter or Follow them on Social Media

While you’re not able to be the active boater you usual are, why not think about checking them out online and sign up for following them. This way when the COVID-19 situation changes, you’ll be more in the know for cruising options.
5. Look for Take-out Options

If the idea of staying home and cooking all the time makes you want to cry a little, depending on the status of COVID-19 you can explore takeout options. Many of the places you go to may have a takeout option.
6. Plan out your Boat Projects

Whether it’s a hot water tank replacement project like mine, or a sewing project for new curtains, take this time to plan out what you want to do. As someone once told me, failing plan is planning to fail, take the COVID-19 as an opportunity to plan out your projects and your supplies.
7. Join Boating Forums Online
Why not join that boating forum you’ve thought about for a while but have never gotten around to it. Or, you’re on a couple of forums but aren’t that active. Everyone has boating knowledge to share, so why not give back to the boating community. There’s a good chance you’ve searched them for great advice that helped you on a previous project.
Why not take this opportunity and help another fellow boater. Another boater may be struggling with a problem that they are struggling getting help on during COVID-19, so why not lend some brain time and see if you can help them through it? Maybe a parts not available for their project and you know a good alternative, why not take this time and be more active on the boating forums.